



 Did you just find out that you are pregnant?      And it wasn’t the result you were hoping for.           Are you thinking about taking the abortion pill?      I just want to encourage you that you have time to be informed before you make any decision for your health...



Relationships... we all have them. Some we can't choose, like our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins. Butothers we have the power to choose. We get to choose who we hang out with. Our friends, our boyfriend or ourgirlfriend are our choices. And it's so...

Abortion… a Band-aid or a deeper wound?

Abortion… a Band-aid or a deeper wound?

When you have scratch on your leg and the bleeding won’t stop, what do you do? You go to the medicine cabinet and get a Band-aid to cover and protect the wound and stop the bleeding. When you are cooking and cut your hand with a knife, what do you reach for? A...

Experiencing P.A.S.S. (Post-Abortive Stress Syndrome)

Experiencing P.A.S.S. (Post-Abortive Stress Syndrome)

Initially many women feel relief after an abortion and look forward to getting their life back to where it was before they became pregnant. But days, weeks, months or even years later many emotions can surface as a result of an abortion decision. The following are...

How will an abortion really affect me?

How will an abortion really affect me?

Some circumstances change us forever…like pregnancy. Where will this journey end? How will it end? What decision do I need to make next? Where do I find physical as well as emotional support? Your questions may seem daunting. You may be wondering if I choose abortion,...

Abortion on your mind?

Abortion on your mind?

Abortion on your mind? Did you just find out that you are pregnant? Two lines on a pregnancy test weren’t what you were hoping for; I understand. Feelings you could be experiencing now are: fear, anxiety, dread, and just being overwhelmed. You may be looking for a...

Looking for the abortion pill?

Looking for the abortion pill?

First question to answer, are you certain you’re pregnant? 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage; Care Net PRC of Neosho offers free ultrasounds to confirm what your next steps will be. Facing an unplanned pregnancy is hard. You may be facing many emotions right now...

Where are you going for advice about an abortion?

Where are you going for advice about an abortion?

When checking out a new restaurant… you ask your friends who have been there to eat. When questioning whether to watch a certain movie… you read the reviews of those who have seen it.                   How much more carefully, then, should you seek out someone or...