My Aunt had surgery a few weeks back and the surgeon explained to us all the risk associated with her surgery.  He went on and on and I was starting to think, “Maybe living with a broken hip isn’t so bad, sounds better than having surgery.”  Also, have you seen those ads for a drug to help a certain ailment and then at the end, a LONG list of side-effects starts being read off and you start to think, those risks sound worse than the condition that pill is to help.

     Like the risk for any surgery and the side effects for many drugs, there are risks for at home abortions as well.

       At first the FDA guidelines stated that two visits were required to the abortion provider’s office:  One which the abortion drug is given and the second to make sure the abortion was complete.  Those FDA guidelines are no longer in place, but have the risks gone away?

So why isn’t an at home abortion safe? 

  1. Many at home abortions are done without an ultrasound. You may have an ectopic pregnancy which is, the baby is growing outside the uterus and if that is the case, the abortion pill will not work.  Without an ultrasound you will not know if your pregnancy is ectopic, which is life-threatening.
  2. Without a follow-up appointment an incomplete abortion may occur and surgery will be required if the fetus remains in the uterus.
  3. If the abortion pill is used more than 70 days after the first day of the last menstrual cycle, the likelihood of an incomplete abortion increases.
  4. Ordering the pill by mail bypasses some of the safety protocols and this can be hazardous.

If you experience any symptoms within the first 24 hours of taking these two pills, please contact your healthcare provider.

Somethings to watch out for are as follows:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Persistent stomach pain and discomfort
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever of 100.4° or higher for more than four hours

If you would like to have a free ultrasound done, call us at Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Neosho at 417.455.0100 and we can schedule you one.

At home abortions may appear safe, a quick fix, but please know there are risks involved.  Your health and safety are important.  We encourage you to get the facts before any medical decisions.

Questions?  Call 417.455.0100 or Text 417.456.9437