When you have scratch on your leg and the bleeding won’t stop, what do you do? You go to the medicine cabinet and get a Band-aid to cover and protect the wound and stop the bleeding. When you are cooking and cut your hand with a knife, what do you reach for? A Band-aid, something that will cover your wound and protect it from germs, leading to infection.
When you have an unplanned pregnancy and your heart is breaking, mind racing, what do you do? You are looking for a way to cover it up, stop the pain, and be “healed”; the phone call for an abortion comes to mind immediately. Many times abortion is seen as a quick fix, a Band-aid, a temporary solution to a bigger problem.
When I had my abortion, I was looking forward to getting my life back to normal. I wanted to stop my unwanted pregnancy from being on my mind constantly, but my abortion experience wasn’t the quick fix that I had hoped for. I wasn’t prepared for or aware of the “triggers” that I would be experiencing for years afterwards.
If you are considering an abortion, you have the right to know you may experience flashbacks or memories of your abortion when you see, hear, smell, or feel things that you encountered during the time of your abortion. These can come days, weeks, and years later.
According to “Ramah’s Voice,” the following are eight of the most common triggers of post-abortion pain: